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WFA (Webinar Based)
May 2, 2020 - May 3, 2020
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
This version of WFA will meet all the requirements of a traditional WFA course providing the following are met:
- All participants must be age 14 or older.
- All participants will receive an ebook prior to the start of the course
- All participants must have a current CPR & AED certification (national 120 day extension is allowed for certifications expiring during the Covid-19 pandemic. CPR credentials will need to be emailed to admin@eastrainers.com
- All participants must have access to streaming capable internet with video and audio capability
- All participants will need the following equipment and a partner (someone from same household) for skills practice
- gauze pads
- 2 gauze bandages
- at least 2 triangular bandages (manufactured or homemade)
- SAM splint or improvised splinting materials such as trekking poles, sticks, branches, etc.
- First Aid kit
A link to the webinar will be issued to all registered participants approximately 48 hours prior to the event
Due to the nature of this course, lectures will be broke into 1 hour lectures with a 10 minute break in between to prevent fatigue. A 30 minute lunch session will be given.
Rules of the webinar will be established along with directions during the introduction of the course. Those failing to adhere to the set rules will be booted from the course without refund and no certification will be given.